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  • Don't Panic! Here's Why Robots Won't Steal Your Job (At Least Not Yet)

Don't Panic! Here's Why Robots Won't Steal Your Job (At Least Not Yet)

Don't Fear The Robot Revolution

Remember that scene in the Terminator movies where machines take over the world? Yeah, that's not exactly happening anytime soon. Sure, artificial intelligence (AI) is getting pretty darn impressive, but it's not quite ready to become your boss (or your lawyer!).

Here's the thing: specialization has been the name of the game for a long time, even way back when Adam Smith (remember him from "The Wealth of Nations"?) was talking about how dividing up work makes everyone more productive. Computers have been following this rule for years, too, getting really good at specific tasks.

But AI is different. It's like the ultimate specialist, supposedly able to learn and adapt to all sorts of situations. That's why there's been so much buzz about AI taking over our jobs. But here's the catch: there are two main types of AI.

  • Narrow AI: This is your basic chess-playing, spam-filtering whiz kid. It can do one thing exceptionally well, but that's about it.

  • Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) or Strong AI: This is the sci-fi dream (or nightmare, depending on who you ask). This kind of AI would be super smart, like way smarter than us, and could handle pretty much anything we throw its way.

The thing is, AGI is still way off in the future. Even with all the money and brainiacs working on it, AI still struggles with basic things that seem easy to us, like, you know, dealing with unexpected situations or training a dog (seriously, ask any AI researcher about this one!).

For example, a computer program might be able to beat a chess grandmaster, but can it handle the chaos of rush hour traffic? Not quite yet.

So, what about all the headlines about robots taking our jobs? Well, it's true that AI is changing the workplace. The World Economic Forum even predicts that AI could replace 85 million jobs by 2025! That's a lot of people! But a recent study by Resume Builder found that only about a third of businesses have actually started replacing workers with AI.

Let's take lawyers, for instance. There are over a million lawyers in the US alone (American Bar Association, 2023). AI can definitely help with some legal tasks, like sorting through mountains of documents. But the tricky parts, like building a case or arguing in court? Those still require human intelligence and creativity, something AI is just not there yet on.

The bottom line? AI is here to stay, and it will definitely change the way we work. But instead of robots taking over completely, it's more likely that AI will become a powerful tool that helps us do our jobs better and faster.

Instead of fearing the robot revolution, we should be focusing on how to use AI to our advantage and develop the skills that will keep us relevant in this ever-evolving job market.


  1. World Economic Forum: Future of Jobs Report 2020

  2. Resume Builder: AI Job Replacement Study 2024

  3. American Bar Association: National Lawyer Population Survey 2023

For more insights and updates on AI and its impact on the job market, check out these resources:

Stay informed and keep adapting! The future of work is always evolving.


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